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6/1/2015 8:50pmI awaken, cold and shaky and tired. The pain has finally set in, and I lurch over. A disgusting irony this is. I thought this would never happen to me, I couldn't have fathomed.
Images waver in front of me, and I realize I am hallucinating.
I see Jessica, dancing at the Spring Formal. I see her gracefully move, not a single step out of place. She is happy. She is smiling and laughing. I notice a hallucination of myself a few feet away. I am stumbling and tripping over my feet. I fall, and she helps me up. I smile slightly as she leads me in the dance. And then I see Morris, and then Eralonia and Nova and Blackie and Atlantica and Pacific (in two different bodies).
We are all smiling. And then they all look to hallucination me.
Hallucination Jessica collapses, falling on the ground. Everyone looks to me, and I freeze. They all walk towards me, their hands out. "What will we do, Scilph? What will we do?"
I have memories, happy memories, sad memories. I remember first coming here, having no friends. Then Morris came, brought the cat, then left. A while later, Blackie arrived at my doorstep and caused chaos, but eventually came to peace. While Morris was gone, Jessica and even Nova comforted me and we became better friends. Morris soon returned, and named the cat after one of my names. Eralonia was our second house-pet. Weeks later, Atlantica and Pacific enroll here. Jessica, A/P & I became close companions. We go to the Spring formal together, and Jessica wants to talk to Morris. She gets sick, and I didn't take notice. I ignored it.
Jessica was gone. She was gone for weeks and I didn't bother to ask her if she was alright.
She fell into a coma, which caused me to scream, which caused time to freeze, which caused Pacific to find a cure, which caused her to go to LITEE which caused her to get hurt which caused Atlantica to go to DARCC which caused the box which caused Blackie to eat it which caused Morris to be driven mad which caused me to run away with Jessica and Blackie.
This all happened because I hadn't cared.
I open my eyes, looking at Jessica's gorgeous sleeping form. Her body is pale like porcelain, while mine is flaky like flour. Her nightgown flows around her, while mine droops and sags. She breathes slowly and carefully, while my breaths are rough and ragged. Her limp fingers barely clutch the gem.
I have caused her to be like this. This is my fault.
It is silent the entire time, but I hear the door creak open slowly. Someone is entering the hut. I do not have the energy to move. 'Let them take me' I think. 'Let them accuse me of kidnapping and when they find out about my freakish past let them put me in a freak show with all the other freaks where I belong.'
Although someone else is inside, I hear no footsteps above me. I do see an eerie glow coming from the cracks in the wood. Someone comes downstairs, and I see...
Morris. It is Morris, the ghost, who has come all this way to search for me. Morris, who I never have been happier to see. When he sees me, he gasps, and rushes over to me. I would sit up, but I am still lying on the floor. My eyes are barely open, and I am still. He is talking frantically, saying it will be okay, and that he's got me and I don't need to worry.
Worry about what? Why should I worry about the sweet release of death? You more than anyone should know that. At least then I will have nothing weighing me down. I am tired of this cumbersome and heavy form. I want to give up... but my eyes drift over to Jessica.
Morris' eyes follow mine, and he sees the jewel. He gasps again, and grabs it, He fiddles with it some how, and then it begins to glow. He looks from me to Jessica and then me and then Jessica.
I know what he is deciding. I know he can either save me, or her. The gem is small, and can't help us both. I use all my strength, all my energy, all my willpower to raise my hand...
and point to Jessica.
He understands. I can see the realization spreading across his face. His eyes start to squint and his mouth parts slightly and his chin wrinkles. He shakes his head and says something I can't hear, the beating of my heart is too strong. I cough, and a red river dribbles from my lips, pours by my face. I look at Morris with pleading eyes. He's talking rapidly now, and I can make out him saying she's in a coma and will wake up soon enough, that I am dying right now and he needs to save me. He says he doesn't know if I will become a ghost because I am not human.
And I hear him say something else. Something about me. Something about the disease I mentioned.
So that's it. I am infected by "Love". Love is what is killing me. It's because I did care about Jessica I am here now, coughing up blood and struggling to breathe. If I wasn't here, Jessica would be dead and I would be fine.
But that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what happens to me. I would rather she be alive than I. Now I may join Morris in his form as well. I point to Jessica again, and utter a single word. Trying to smile, but grimacing instead, I choke out-
I try to laugh, but I just choke and cough again, more red spilling from my lips. His eyes close and his mouth is gulping large sobs, although he cannot breathe. Morris is crying. He is babbling incoherent words about Atlanica and Pacific and Eralonia and Nova back home. But I look him in the eye, and bring a serious look to my face.
"Now... Jessica..."
He looks to her painfully, then back at me. He weeps, and then embraces me. I can almost feel his hair tickling my neck. I put a weak, frail hand on his side. He pulls away and inches to Jessica. Morris looks to me, one last time, as if confirming the notion.
I smile, nod, and say "For Jessica."
He thrusts the gem into her hand, and a blinding light is shot across the room.
I black out.
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5/31/2015 2:03pmI am sitting in the cellar of the hut. My hands are shaking, and I can hardly breathe. @
Jessica Moon is lying peacefully on Blackie's also sleeping form, her face occasionally twitching. She looks as if she is having a nightmare. My heart feels as if it is being shredded apart. I notice my skin is a greenish tinge, and my hair is getting flat, and not as vibrant and flowing as before. My clothes are tattered, torn and dirty. Since I do not posses shoes, my feet are calloused with splinters and dirt clinging to my skin.
I notice I am dying. Slowly and steadily, I am dying.
I figure if I am dying, then she must be as well.
I must get her to the lab and wake her up. I must. I need to. I have to.
I kick Blackie to wake him up. He does not move. I shove him and punch him and do all that I can to make him move. "Blackie." I say, shaking him, hearing something rattle inside. I pause. Lifting Jessica cautiously into my arms, I set her down on the softest bit of ground I can find. I open up Blackie. He does not resist, nor move the slightest bit. I reach inside, and grab onto what was rattling in him. I take it out slowly. It is covered in his ink. Wiping it off, I look at what he has given me.
The black box. The box used to help heal @
Atlantica or Pacific.
This can help Jessica. Yes. I know it.
I struggle to open the box, but I eventually do. Inside, is a small, unidentifiable gem. It glows slightly. I hurriedly take it out and give it to Jessica. I delicately pick up her hand and place it there. I wrap her fingers around the jewel.
My breathing has accelerated. I hear myself wheeze, but I cannot feel it in my lungs. My excitement has taken over me. I feel a grin creep across my face. My hair is shaking, and I breathe faster.
I wait.
Nothing happens.
I clear my throat. Does it need an incantation? I know this will work. I am perfect. Perfection will make her better. If I am perfect, she will wake up. Why isn't she waking up.
Jessica doesn't move.
Blackie doesn't move.
I stop moving.
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Leather Journal Entries - 5/26/2015 2:48pm(in a beaten-up leather journal, written in a messy scrawl...)
Entry #2
I haV NaWT g0TTeN 2 tEh laB YEt but i kN0w wee Will geT TerE sO0n. Blaakee aNd I HAv g0t fArr inn OUr JurnEEy. I aM resstIng in Ann abaND0ndEd sHAkk aND Jessica IZ on teH beDD stILl slEepiNG. i aM tiRed And huNGry bUt i kNow I CAnt gO baCk. i caNt beE pURfekT iFF tEre arr otHErs ar0uND aND i wiLL OnlY HurRt teHM.
i nEed 2 REst naOw.
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Leather Journal Entries - 5/25/2015 3:57pm(in a beat-up leather journal, written in a messy scrawl...)
Entry #1
tHis iz SCILPH's nEew JurnaL. I amm ScilpH tHe onwer of tHis jurnAl and THis is mY logg of maIi life awAy from PsYY hi. I haaVe nOT writTEn f0R yeEERs, BuT i am g0od At iT ha hA ha HA ha.
Jessica IS DoiG wElll i aM suure tat beeNg aWAy fRuM Psyy HI is MakEEng heRR bedDer; sHEE iz brEEtHinG maor an MAor. I AYm taekIng heRR to tHE laB WHErre I waS crEEAYted i haAve nO dOubTs tat DerE wiLL be SomEThinG fOR heR 2 hellP HErr B stRonGeRR. BlaakEE iz alSo dooInG wEll- hEE iS wAlkInG fAsterr tAn meE (annd he IZ cArriNg Jessica oN hIS BAcK-cArrefuly Of cooRsE) i gIIve hIM Ay NEEw STicKer eVry dAY fROm Jessica.
I havE fooND mANee CooRIOS tInGS aSwELL. dEre iZZ aY strAAnge PlaNT- taT iz fLuffEE aND whEn tEh WInd bl0Ws, SEeed-tHinGs FAlll ofF oF It anD FLYYEE AWAAAYY!!!!!!! I haEV heerd a cHiLD (frOM teH cItY Iam iN) tAt teY ARR cAlled "Dandee Rions"???? I hAev pEEked a fEww.
Tat izz all 4 TooDAy- I wIll Rite tOOmrow.
5/24/2015 6:33pmI have never thought that this would ever happen to me. Jessica in a coma, Morris almost driven mad.... he has not talked very much lately, I am worried about him. Atlantica and Pacific have quite the predicament. I do not know how to handle this. Blackie still has not given back the box. He has not moved much. Eralonia and Nova usually leave the dorm to hunt for food.
My room feels empty and...
It feels dead.
*thumping, footsteps away*
*slow, quiet footsteps back*
She is barely breathing. Her pulse has slowed to one beat every two seconds. The Heart of Spring... it has begun to wilt. I am... I am so lost and broken and afraid. I am afraid. I am afraid of the future and of Morris and of the cats and of my friends' fate and-
I am afraid of myself. I am afraid of my potential to hurt and cheat and lie and every wrong that I can commit.
I need to be perfect.
I must do everything right and I must be perfect because perfection *static*is the only way I will be able to fix things things will be alright if *loud static* I am perfect because perfection has always fixed everything *high pitched whine* because perfecting myself will fix Morris and Jessica and Atlantica and Pacific *LOUD STATIC* and everything will be perfect if I am perfect and everything will be perfect if I am perfect everything will be perfect if I am perfect and everything will be per-
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5/19/2015 3:30pmEver since Blackie consumed the box he has been awfully... I do not know if he is sick, or in pain. But I am worried. Morris has become infuriated with him for it. The only way to undo the situation with Atlantica and Pacific is to destroy the box within a week of it's use. Blackie never gives anything back before a month. I am positive Morris can find another way.... Anyways, Blackie has not moved much... but I know he is alive! He resides under Jessica's bed.
She has not moved either... I am sure she will be alright. Jessica Moon is a powerful girl. I know she can make it through this predicament.
I know it.
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5/17/2015 8:16amAfter checking on Jessica, I will to go see Atlantica and if she is alright. I had heard about the little box, and I know it was not the greatest idea from the start. Atlantica, you are one of the most hair-brained, foolish people I know, but you are still one of my... "besties"? *long, slow exhale*
I am about to depart now... with Blackie, because he has never left my dorm. We are just going downstairs, I am sure it will be alright with the Staff.
*footsteps, occasional thump*
*door creaking open*
Atlantica...? Are you in need of assista- oh. Hello. *whispering* Someone has beat me to it. A... being with robot parts. *normal voice* Are you here to assist Atlanti- Oh. It is Pacific. You are here to help?
*whispering* They are not responding.... I have noticed a syringe in their... claw? Blackie does not appear comfortable with-
*loud growling and snarling*
B-Blackie! I-I am sorry about him, he- BLACKIE, NO!!
*metal crashing, box falling*
... Blackie has consumed the box.
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5/16/2015 8:09amI had heard much of The Heart of Spring, and now it is sitting by me, on my desk.
I had called in a Psychic Work Team to repair the state of my room, and they did marvelously. Not a single dent, scratch, or crack is to be found in any room. Everything is restored to the way it was before.
I look at the magnificent being sitting by Jessica. I hope and wish and pray to every God I know of that she will wake up.
It doesn't matter when. Just that she will wake up.
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5/15/2015 7:23am[DAY 6 OF COMA OBSERVATIONS]
Jessica is still sleeping. Of course. She has shown no signs of movement since she woke up.... I am getting more and more worried. I check her pulse every morning, and see if she's breathing. She is. I dare not to touch her face. It looks like porcelain, pale and pure.
Atlantica... how do you stay so positive in the worst of times? How do you do it? Please, teach me. I don't want to succumb to the inevitable fate of-, I won't say it...
Just please... help me...
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5/13/2015 7:32pmI read Atlantica's post, exhaling slowly. Oh no. This is dreadful.
Possibility of insanity? Lost identities? Atlantica, this is not the wisest choice you have made. I know you want to protect your sister, but I am sure there is another way... please do not do this. I am begging you.
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