Back to School 2024
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Max Sacristy - 11/16/2024 3:24pmHave to write an essay on "the constraints of daily life."
Grace Popper - 11/19/2024 6:18pmI've lost a lot of thought balloons since the Reality Accident. Some shriveled, some exploded with a bang. And the ones that are still around make a real squeaky sound getting through the door, on account of how the doorways have shrunk.
My great grandparents--who were also balloon ranchers--lived through worse. Guess we'll have to see how bad this Reality Accident gets. In the meantime, I'm getting a new crop ready in the greenhouse.
Hawthornstar - 11/20/2024 8:28amI'm not great at writing, but here's my start; I shuffled my deck of cards today, all 4 aces ended up next to each other. Maybe I should walk home today... Anyway, glad to have joined this school where I can meet people that don't give me weird looks!
Dot Forsyth - 11/24/2024 10:31pmWhen you find yourself entering someone else's nightmare, there are three things you need:
A small tactical flashlight
Grappling hooks
A lifeline
The first two you can get at any psychic surplus store. The third one you've got to make yourself.
Eyewash - 11/24/2024 11:02pmWhen you're in the middle of an online class, either don't turn on your camera while doing something other than learning from the teacher or keep your camera on and pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
Star Pup Cake - 11/30/2024 11:36pmJust because I'm a carnivorous alien life form that looks very much like a small frosted cake, I have been informed I am not allowed within 100 yards of the cafeteria. Which is a bummer because how am I supposed to make friends now?
Narya - 12/10/2024 10:02amI just started coming to this school in the middle of the year. Still trying to make friends and adjust. I’m just glad to get away from my old place…
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