PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 04/27/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: Permutations of The Nines from many different realities hear the call. Some share the same values as The Nines, but others seek only power for themselves.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 04/20/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: As the Nines focus their energy on integrating their conflicting psychic opposites, incarnations of the Nines across time and space sense something is up.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 04/13/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: Little Timothy Neffer hypothesizes that neither the Elder Nines nor the Future Nines from the 25th century, nor even the evangelical church choir need be possible outcomes. The Nines can synthesize their own future.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 04/06/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: The Future Nines from the 25th century engage the present-day Nines in a brutal telepathic staring contest. Lara stands her ground.
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