PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 08/25/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: The Nines make contact with the Hugh consciousness and discover why they are the only students left on campus. The answer lies within Hugh's contraption. Can they use it to reverse the process?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 08/18/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: Mr. Anderson examines Hugh's ridiculous contraption and realizes that Hugh has used it to put a little bit of himself into every one of them.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 08/11/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: The school is strangely empty. Is it merely because it's August, or is something more sinister afoot? Hugh is nowhere to be found.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 08/04/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: Hugh's plan succeeds, with the help of his ridiculous contraption. The High Society Gang is vanquished, but The Nines wonder "at what cost?"
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