PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/27/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: The Nines visit the teleporation terminal's newstand for inspiration. "Little Timothy loves his zines," Lara quips. Eureka! Could they locate Little Timothy within the stories of the terminal itself?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/20/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: Lara psychically merges with a teleportation terminal info station and discovers the mysterious badlands surrounding the terminal are part of its fractal architecture. Which means Little Timothy Neffer is both inside and outside the vast structure. How can they retrieve him?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/13/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: Mr. Anderson theorizes that Little Timothy Neffer's speical nervous system was overwhelmed by the teleportation terminal's unimind, causing him to flee its fractal architecture. Can the Nines locate him before he's lost forever?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/06/2024
ANALYST'S NOTES: The Nines realize that Little Timothy Neffer has gone missing, and immediately invoke the Missing Persons Protocol. Through intuitive dance they recreate his steps, finding themselves at the passenger pickup and dropoff area outside of the teleportation terminal.
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