PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/28/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: Hugh makes contact with The Nines and lets them know their secret is safe with him. Together, they plan a dance-off to topple the High Society Gang.
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/21/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: Hugh infiltrates High Society and begins to sing his song. The Nines remain undercover, but does Hugh only pretend not to notice them?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/14/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: The permanence of the musical theater format of this arc becomes apparent. The Nines continue to infiltrate High Society. Do they have a plan?
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PSYHIGH WEEKLY – 07/07/2023
ANALYST'S NOTES: Hugh returns! Escaped from the Swinging London dimension and creating his special brand of psychedelic havoc on campus.
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